Personal Training

Work with a Trainer 1-on-1

Get the individual attention you and your dog deserve!

Tailored to meet the unique needs of you and your dog, our personal training sessions provide your family with the undivided attention of one of our expert trainers. Private training is often more effective than group classes because we can focus solely on your dog’s specific needs and your goals plus many training topics are best addressed in a one-on-one setting.

Whether you’re looking to overcome specific struggles or enhance your dog’s skills, our one-on-one sessions provide the personalized attention your dog deserves. Let’s work together to help your dog reach their full potential in a positive and supportive environment.

 Currently all personal training sessions are based out of our training facility in Langley, BC.

Common Topics We Cover in Personal Training

Leash Walking

Pulling on leash is such a common struggle for families that we’ve created a whole personal training package called “Walk Star”.

Coming When Called

If your dog doesn’t come when called we can help! Training an excellent Recall is one of our specialties!

On-Leash Reactivity

For dogs that lunge, bark, or otherwise act a bit foolish towards other dogs, strangers, bicycles, or anything else while out on their walks.

Manners & more

If your family needs help with manners like counter surfing, jumping up upon greetings, or similar topics reach out to see if we can help! 

What's Included in a Personal Training Session?

  • 45 minutes 1:1 training session at our facility
  • Written session follow-up
  • Email support between sessions

personal training session prices start at $110

We Train Sports & Co-operative Care too!

Scent Detection

We think Scent Detection is one of the few things done BETTER in group classes and group K9 Nose Work classes, but there are sometimes reasons teams need personal training for K9 Nose Work for specific struggles in the sport or scheduling problems.


Tricks are a great form of enrichment, a fun activity, and a way to earn titles with your dog (through Do More With Your Dog). Our fabulous and experienced Certified Trick Dog Instructors can help with teams training tricks at all level plus witness tricks in person for DMWYD titles.

Rally Obedience

We can help with Rally Obedience training. Primarily we focus on CARO rules and are happy to help with CARO Novice through Excellent teams as well as those interested in CARO Working class. We don’t specialize in CKC Rally O, but can still help there too.

Co-operative care

Need help with caring for your dog? Some dogs find tasks like brushing, nails trimming, ear cleaning, administering medication, and more to be particularly awful and their families find these tasks to be a huge challenge. We can help!

What's Included in a Sport or Co-op Care Session?

  • 30 minutes 1:1 training session at our facility
  • Any setup/take down for your session and equipment rentals (eg. search area, weave poles, jumps, platforms, props, etc)
  • Witnessing for DMWYD Tricks

session prices start at $65

Behaviour Consulting

For families needing support with topics beyond the basics we offer limited services for behaviour consulting. There is an additional charge per session for cases that require behavioural consulting in addition to basic training. Behaviour case needs are extremely individual, so we cannot give precise quotes prior to the intake session; following the intake session we will work with you to provide various options to fit your goals and budget.



We are happy to help families with fearful, anxious, and/or nervous dogs. We do believe that many of these dogs, however, will require a team approach with many humans on board. A fear/anxiety team usually includes the dog’s family, trainer, and veterinarian; some cases may also benefit from working with a board certified Veterinary Behaviourist.



Separation Anxiety is a unique topic and many trainers specialize in this behaviour. We recommend families with dogs suffering with separation anxiety work with a Certified Separation Anxiety Trainer (CSAT), but we can help with dogs that have minor concerns with confinement like a new puppy learning to settle in their pen or a young dog with minor FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).



We refer out complex cases of aggression to trainers with more specialization in working with aggressive dogs. We will work with mild cases of human directed aggression in the early onset stage (like a dog that has growled at someone a couple of times), but if your dog has a bite history this is not our area of expertise.



We are happy to work with dogs with on-leash reactivity towards other dogs that presents as aggression, but we refer out complex cases of inter-dog aggression to trainers with more specialization in working with aggressive dogs.


Special Walk Star Program

Are your daily dog walks turning into a chore rather than an enjoyable experience? Say goodbye to pulling, tugging, and frustration, and welcome the Walk Star program into your life! Designed to empower families and their dogs, Walk Star is a personalized training program that will revolutionize your walks and strengthen the bond between you and your dog.

Our goal is to ensure that both ends of the leash enjoy better walks together, creating a win-win situation for everyone involved!

Say farewell to pulling and leash-related struggles. 

Master the Art of Leash Walking

Walk Star will equip you with practical strategies and positive reinforcement methods to teach your dog polite leash walking skills.

You’ll learn how to increase engagement, build focus, and encourage loose leash walking, resulting in stress-free outings.

Strengthen the Bond

Walk Star is more than just teaching leash manners. It’s an opportunity to strengthen the bond with your furry companion.

Through engaging exercises and interactive games, you’ll enhance trust, deepen your connection, and finally enjoy your walks together.

Expert Guidance and Support

Our certified professional trainers bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. With their guidance, you’ll gain insights into dog behavior, learn how to read your dog’s signals, and receive valuable tips for maintaining your progress beyond the training sessions. 

Embark on a New Walking Adventure Today


Transform your dog walks into memorable adventures with Walk Star! Say goodbye to the frustrations of unruly walks and hello to enjoyable outings with your beloved pup. Availability is limited so don’t miss this opportunity to create a positive and fulfilling walking routine for both ends of the leash. 

4 Weekly Training Sessions

ONLY $375

Frequently Asked Questions.

Have questions? Check our FAQs before sending us an email!

Do I need to commit to regular sessions?


For best results we recommend most families start with weekly sessions, or at least attending a session every other week.

As you progress in your training, session frequency will decrease to once a month or less.

Note that the Walk Star program is designed as a special commitment to attend weekly training sessions for 4 consecutive weeks.

How old does my dog need to be for personal training?

There is no specific age requirement for this personal training, however, dogs should be up to date on all vaccinations.

Sessions for puppies that have not yet received all of their vaccines will need to book a service add-on for us to disinfect the facility immediately prior to your session. 

What equipment will my dog be trained with?

We tailor the equipment we use to the needs of each individual dog and their human(s).

Most dogs wear a harness for training, clipped on either a front clip or rear clip. Some dogs wear a regular flat collar.

We never use equipment designed to cause pain or corrections when your dog pulls like prong/pinch or choke collars.

We do not rely on special equipment to train your dog. No collar or harness is a replacement for good positive reinforcement training. We also do not rely on collar/leash corrections.

We start almost all training with your dog off leash (inside) and build up to working in the “real world”.

Don’t worry our goal is to always have the training apply in the real world, it’s just not where we start.

Does the same family member need to attend each session?


If you’d like training to progress each session then one family member should be designated as the primary handler for the dog. This person should attend all sessions and should be the one working with the dog the majority of the time. Additional family members are always welcome to attend and participate in the sessions, but not everyone is required to be present at every session.

Dog training is largely about the dog and human handler as a team and our job as dog trainers is equally about teaching the human part of the family how to work with their dog as it is about actually training the dog. 

If the family present at a session 1 is Dog A and Human A then we are training Team A, and if session 2 the family is Dog A and Human B then we are now working with Team B and it is extremely rare for Team B to be able to pick up where Team A left off.

Do you offer discounts or packages?

We currently offer our Walk Star package for families specifically looking to work on the basics for more enjoyable walks if their dog pulls a lot on leash.

We do not offer other personal training packages at this time, however, a membership option is currently in development.

If you previously attended a group class with us and are returning for personal training we do offer a $20 discount on your Intake session. You can reach out via email to find out the secret code!