Tricks Training

group classes and online

build a better bond with your dog and have fun

take your training to the next level

Tricks training is more than just fun—it’s a great way to bond with your dog, stimulate their mind, and build their confidence. Our tricks training sessions are designed to be enjoyable for both you and your dog, whether you’re looking to teach basic tricks like “shake” and “roll over” or more advanced moves that will wow your friends and family.

But we’re about more than just teaching tricks; we’re building a community of like-minded dog lovers who share in the joy of training their dogs. Together, we celebrate each milestone and encourage each other to reach new heights.

With our guidance, your dog will learn new tricks in a positive, encouraging environment that reinforces good behavior, strengthens your relationship, and connects you with others who are just as passionate about their dogs. Let’s turn training into playtime and unleash your dog’s full potential—while becoming part of a supportive, fun-loving community.

Interested in earning Trick Dog Titles? Our instructors are Certified Trick Dog Instructors (CTDIs), so we’re able to witness tricks for teams interested in titling their dog through the Do More With Your Dog programs!

Our trainers have extensive experience, including working with animals for film and TV and achieving the prestigious title of Trick Dog Champion!



Trick Dog Essentials

New to tricks? Learn the essentials skills that will get your dog started! Find out how to train just about anything with force free techniques of luring, capturing, and shaping! 

You’ll learn a variety of Novice tricks and even some Intermediate level tricks! 3 Different Nose Target behaviours, Bow, Shake and Wave, Sit Pretty, Go to Place, Spin, Hand Signals, Distance Signals, and more!

Teams that are interested in Trick Dog Titles will learn enough tricks for their Novice title!

Intermediate Tricks and Beyond

For teams that have already earned a Novice Trick Dog title through participation in our Intro to Tricks classes or Tricks Club Spark Group we have Drop-In Tricks Club! 

Get in person coaching on tricks you’re working on, time to work on the Trick of the Week from our Facebook Trick Club group, and learn how to teach new tricks.

This class is a combination of instructional time from the instructor and coaching time to work on anything you’d like! 


Tricks classes require you and your dog to already have some basics training. You and your dog should have prior experience using positive reinforcement training; the understanding of a Marker Word and/or Clicker is a huge plus, but not necessary for Intro Classes! 

Our “Foundations” class meets the requirement for Intro to Tricks class, but if you have not done Foundations with Extraordinary Canines we will reach out to you to confirm your suitability.

Teams that are interested in joining our Drop-In Tricks Club classes that have not completed Intro to Tricks with us and/or earned their Novice Trick Dog Title through one of our instructors will need to contact us for an assessment. 


Tricks Classes Run on Friday Evenings!


We proudly keep the size of our group classes down to provide our students with plenty of attention and feedback from our instructors. 



Note that group classes are unable to accommodate reactive dogs or those that bark excessively. Please email us if you are unsure about your dog’s fit into class.



Get Started at Home! Earn Trick Dog Titles and More!


As a Do More With Your Dog! CTDIs we also offer a free “Spark Team” group on Facebook: Extraordinary Canines Trick Club. Joining our Facebook Tricks Club community will give you access to guides and videos that teach you the essentials of Tricks and beyond.


The Extraordinary Canines Tricks Club group will provide you with guides to train tricks for no cost, but we do ask that you please submit any title application videos to one of our Certified Trick Dog Instructors for review or have your tricks witnessed by one of our CTDIs in person at a Tricks class or Personal Training session.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Have questions? Check our FAQs before sending us an email!

Does my dog need prior training to attend tricks classes?


Our tricks classes are designed for dogs with some basic training already under their belt. All training should be based in positive reinforcement.

For “Intro to Tricks” at minimum your dog should be comfortable working in the vicinity of other dogs and understand “Sit” and “Down” with a verbal cue and/or hand signal.

Experience using a Marker Word and/or Clicker in training is an asset, but not essential.

If your unsure if your dog is ready for this class please send us an email.

How many dogs are in a class? How many instructors?

Class size maximum is 4 dogs. One certified professional dog trainer leads the class.

Each dog has a personal working space of approximately 200 square feet PLUS a buffer zone between them and the next family.

We may use physical and/or visual barriers to help set the dogs up for success.

What vaccinations does my dog need to have to attend class?

DAPP/DHPP and Rabies

Dogs must be fully up to date on all standard vaccines. We encourage families to vaccinate against bordetella, but do not require it.

Proof of DAPP/DHPP and rabies vaccination or titers is required.

Can my reactive dog attend group classes? What is a reactive dog?

No. Reactive dogs will be dismissed from attending group classes.

Reactive dogs may be better described as “over-reactive” in regular language. A “reactive” dog may lunge, bark at, growl, or otherwise unfavourably respond to the presence of certain triggers (most commonly other dogs or strangers). Some reactive dogs are fearful of their triggers while others are overly excited.

Reactive dogs are welcome to book Personal Training sessions, but are not suitable for group classes.

Dogs that may bark a few time at another dog nearby but are able to quickly be redirected and quieted by their handler are welcome (provided the handler uses force free redirection and does not use “corrections”). What we cannot allow are dogs that bark for prolonged periods throughout class which interrupts class instruction and/or disturbs the training of other dogs in the class. 

Note that our regular refund policy applies to reactive dogs and once a family has started classes we cannot offer refunds in the event that a dog is not a good fit for group classes due to reactivity. We do, however, encourage humans of that family continue to attend classes without the reactive dog to watch, learn, and ask questions.